Wedding Fayres: How to Make the Most Out of Them

You’ve got the ring on your finger and a Pinterest board with more pins than a Soviet lapel, so now it’s time to take your wedding aspirations on the road and visit a wedding fayre.

Some people swear by them.  

Others prefer to plan from the comfort of their computer and to visit vendors and venues by appointment. If that's your thing, then don't forget to take a look at the Pink Wedding Days directory.  It's aimed at same-sex couples, but you don't have to be LGBTQ to use it. 

We've got some fantastic wedding venues and service providers from all over the United Kingdom. 

But it is worth attending at least one wedding fayre just so you’re sure which camp you fall into. If nothing else, you’ll enjoy an afternoon out and get to see the latest wedding trends. There’s also the chance to have a nose around potential venues and speak to local vendors and service providers.

It’s all in the name of research and there’s often a glass of bubbly and tasty canapes included, too.  Often there’ll be a goodie bag with free samples and the chance to win prizes.

So how do you make the most of a wedding fayre?

We’ve put together our top tips

1) Wedding planning is beset by ‘rules’ and each one will seem to contradict another. It's because what works for one person doesn't always work for the next. The initial stages of wedding planning are really just trial and error until you've made your first decisions.


Keep an open mind during the initial planning stages because you never know what you’ll see and what might surprise you. 

For example: if you’re planning a budget wedding, then there's nothing stopping you from attending a luxury fayre (or vice versa) because inspiration can come from anywhere. 

That being said…

Have a little focus once you know what you want. Make an effort to attend the wedding fayres that are most relevant to you to save time and energy.  

Often vendors and service providers will attend multiple local fayres throughout the year so there's no need to panic if you miss them at one or two. 

2) You’ll be doing a lot of walking so wear comfortable shoes.  

If you’re planning on trying things on, then make sure you're wearing something comfortable and something that's easy to get in and out of. We all know the stress of a Saturday afternoon in a TK Maxx changing room and this really won't be so different.  Keep it casual and comfortable.

3) Bring a good bag to carry the brochures, leaflets and samples around with you. Free bags are sometimes available but they might not always be big or sturdy enough.

Bags are also good for carrying around colour swatches or samples to show to vendors.

4) Take cash as not all vendors will accept cards on the day.

5) If there’s a specific vendor that you want to see then check the floor plan in advance and head there first.  If they’re busy then you can always check back later once you know where they are.

6) Take a friend with you.  It doesn’t have to be someone whose opinion you’re interested in; it’s just good to have someone to talk to. The bigger shows, for example, can get rather tedious if you're walking around alone. 

7) Check the national and local press for free tickets or giveaways.  They’ll often get promotional tickets to the bigger shows and this can give you free entry.  

Wedding magazines and blogs will often run competitions for tickets. If you can’t get a free ticket, then look out for promotional codes.

What are your tips for surviving a wedding fayre?

Do you think they're worth attending?

Drop us a message on our social media pages and let us know what you think. 

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