Planning Your Same-Sex Marriage

By Ladyhawk Events (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0
via Wikimedia Commons

Planning a wedding isn't easy. It doesn't matter how simple you intend your ceremony to be, or how intimate you want your reception: at some point it’s going to give you a headache.

On the Holmes and Rahe scale (a ranking system of life's most stressful events) getting married is listed at number 7. 

There’s a reason why some people hand it all over to the professionals.

So why is planning a wedding so stressful?

The devil is in the detail and weddings are notorious for the details; those fiddly little extra things: matching the chair covers to the serviettes; working out who to invite and then where to sit them. It's not so much stepping out of your comfort zone, as setting up an advanced base camp and living there. You'll become a venue scout; interior designer; accountant; stylist; food critic and (in most families) a conflict negotiator.

It's also time consuming and, let’s face it, no one wants to spend their Friday nights knee deep in place cards trying to figure out where to seat Uncle Frank (nowhere near the bar or the bridesmaids and well away from Great-Aunt Freda.)

The thought alone is enough to induce fantasies of elopement, but that's not to say it won't all be worth it. With some planning, a healthy dose of realism and a sense of humour it doesn't need to be an impossible task. 

And we're here to help. Over the next few months, we'll be posting about venues and services from our wedding directory to help you plan your perfect day.
We’re also in the process of rewriting our website and we’d love for you to take a look once it’s all updated. Offering tips and helpful information alongside our directory of venues and services, we hope you’ll find us to be a unique resource.

This week, we'll be looking at venues :)

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