£220 Marriage Tax Allowance from the Government – Are You Missing Out?

Who qualifies?

  • You have to be married OR in a civil partnership.

  • One of you MUST earn less than £11,000 per year. The other MUST earn between £11,000 and £43,000.

  • And you’ll need to apply online.

How does it work?

The partner that doesn't pay tax transfers up to £1,100 of their unused allowance to the partner who does.  Reducing their tax by up to £220 per year.

You can apply, too, if one of you is receiving a pension. 

If a couple were entitled to the allowance in 2015/16 but didn't claim, they can backdate it.  So if you act now, your allowance could be worth £432.

HMRC believe that fewer than half of all entitled couples have claimed, and they're encouraging couples to apply on the Government's website. 

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