P&O Now Offering Same-Sex Weddings at Sea

P&O is allowing same-sex weddings on board its ships from January 2018.

The Anglo-American cruise company has 7 of its 8 ships registered in Bermuda from where the marriage licenses will be issued.

Gay marriage was legalised in Bermuda in May 2017, following a ruling by the island's Supreme Court. Until the marriage law changed, P&O, and other cruise companies like Cunard, were unable to offer weddings to same-sex couples.

Fortunately, now they can and they're already taking bookings.

Rather romantically, couples who marry on board will have their ceremony performed by the ship’s captain.

Cunard has just announced that it, too, will offer same-sex weddings on board its ships. So we're looking forward to seeing some of the gorgeous ocean weddings taking place later this year.

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