When Should We Have Our Wedding or Civil Partnership?

So, you’re engaged.

When are you getting married?

It’s a simple question but one that doesn't always have an easy answer. A wedding is all about making choices, and some choices are easier than others.

You could say that choosing the time of year to have your wedding or civil partnership is complicated by the UK's unpredictable weather.

You'd be correct. The UK's weather is notoriously difficult to forecast accurately. It makes picking the perfect date for a wedding difficult, too. 

So, what do you do when you can’t guarantee against summer downpours or autumn gales or spring snow flurries or dreary winter days.

Prepare for the worst.

Imagine for the best.

Your first consideration should be working out when you’re free to get married. Some jobs don’t allow time off during certain periods of the year. Close family members may have holidays booked, celebrations to attend or plans already in motion. Take a calendar and, through a process of elimination, figure out the dates that will work for you. The more flexible you are with your dates then the more likely you’ll be to secure your venue.

Your next thought should be about your budget. The more popular months (generally June & September) will be more expensive: it’s supply and demand. The busier a service or venue is then the higher the prices will be. Consider getting married out of season if you need to keep costs down. Equally, think about marrying mid-week or on a Sunday as these, too, will be cheaper. 

The bottom line is that Saturdays in summertime will always be popular and, as such, they will always be more expensive. If you do opt against a Saturday wedding, then make sure you give your guests enough notice to book the day off work.

You can’t control the weather, but it’s worth paying attention to. A simple internet search can reveal the year-on-year averages for each month. Pick the season that you’re interested in and then narrow it down to the specific month. Check the average rainfall, too. Your best resource is the met office, and you can find their climate statistics here.

Remember, too, that nights are lighter in summer. If you’re planning an outdoor wedding, or if the venue has a particularly exceptional setting, then you’ll want to make the most of the light. Equally, if you’re planning a firework display, take into account the timings of sunset.

Fresh flowers are seasonal. If you have a specific bouquet in mind, then you'll find yourself limited to certain times of the year. Check to see what your florist can stock at different times of the year.

Spring flowers include: bluebells, primrose and daffodils.

Summer flowers include: sunflowers, marigolds and orchids.

Autumn flowers include: snapdragons, irises.

Roses are available in winter, too.

Choosing the month to get married will boil down to personal choice, budgetary constraints and ticks on calendars. Don't get too hung up on the weather. Plan for torrential rain even in July and promise yourself, whatever happens, that you'll enjoy your day.

Even if you're cruising down the aisle in a Zodiac dinghy and you're partner's wearing a diving bell.

Why did you choose the month you did? Do you have any tips? We'd love to hear about them on Twitter and Facebook.

And don't forget to check out all the fabulous venues and services from our online directory.

You can find it here.

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