Getting Married Abroad: Sainsbury's Bank PDF Guide

File:Shells in sand on oceans beach.jpgWith the average cost of a wedding in the UK now between £18,000 and £20,000 it's easy to understand why so many couples (as many as 1 in 5) are planning to marry abroad.

It isn't just the cost that's sending people overseas however; weather, family obligations and the desire to have a ceremony with a little difference are all contributing factors, too.

Wedding planning isn't easy. We've certainly written enough posts about how tough it can be to fulfill all the roles demanded of a bride or groom, and it isn't everyone who enjoys, or even wants, that level of responsibility. Family pressures on who to invite, who not to invite, who can't sit next to who, who really has to be a bridesmaid and who really shouldn't be etc, can also make running away an attractive prospect.

 Oh, and the weather, too: in Britain it makes no guarantees. If you want a crunching snowy carpet, or a baking beach backdrop to your photographs, then, again, going abroad makes sense.

If you'd like to know more about marrying abroad, then Sainsbury's Bank has released a helpful PDF guide explaining many of the issues surrounding overseas weddings. You can find the guide here. It's particularly important to pay attention to the legal requirements demanded by each country as some of these do have residency requirements.

Although much of the guide applies to same-sex couples it's worth remembering that there are a large number of countries which do not allow same-sex weddings (although, there are more that accept civil partnerships). You can find out more about which countries do in our post here.

Did you have your wedding abroad? If so, we'd love to hear about it :)


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