Scottish Same-Sex Weddings: We Have A Date!

File:New Scottish Parliament building, seen from Salisbury Crags.jpgWe're taking a break today from our planned post on autumn weddings to share some amazing news from Scotland.

From December 16th 2014, same-sex couples in Scotland can finally register to marry. The first ceremonies will take place on December 31st and will coincide with Hogmany.

What a fantastic way to start the new year :)

It's great news, too, for couples already in a civil partnership; they'll be able to convert their partnerships to marriage from December 16th. Following a similar strategy to England and Wales (where same-sex marriage has been legal since March), Scottish couples will not have to pay for the conversion providing their civil partnership took place when same-sex marriage wasn't legal. They'll have until December 2015 to do so.

Tom French, policy and public affairs coordinator for the Equality Network was quoted on Scotland's Daily Record website as saying:

"Today's milestone announcement means that same-sex couples across Scotland will be able to set a date and start planning their weddings. With the first ceremonies set to take place on Hogmanay, Scotland can be proud that we will bring in the new year as a fairer and more equal country."

You can read the rest of the article here

This is fantastic news for same-sex couples in Scotland and we can't wait to see those first weddings on December 31st.

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